Welcome to Congregation Yehuda Moshe!
A Modern Orthodox Synagogue located in Lincolnwood, IL, close to I-94 which will take you to downtown Chicago as well as the northern suburbs and the best kosher community in the Midwest! Our Synagogue is a source of meaningful davening, weekly classes, holiday programming, educational events including weekday zoom classes, Shabbos classes and social activity.
There is now a Parsha class Shabbos mornings from 8:45--9:00AM before Shacharis. Rabbi Gutstein will be discussing one or two key topics from the weekly Parsha, with explanations from various commentators.
Sunday March 30 at 7:45pm in the shul, immediately after Maariv, Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, the Kashrus Administrator of the CRC, will deliver information about Pesach and general Kashrus topics. There will be ample opportunity for questions.
Tuesday April 1 at 7:45pm in the shul, immediately after Maariv, Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik will deliver a Pesach lecture "Haggadah Topics".
Sunday night April 6 at 7:45pm in the shul, immediately after Maariv, Rabbi Gutstein will have a class "HaKol B'Seder", information regarding the Pesach Seder and about Erev Pesach on Shabbos.
SAVE THE DATE(S): Friday-Shabbos May 9-10 (Mother's Day weekend)--Dinner and Mother's Day Kiddush Lunch "Women Speak About Women in Tanach"
Weekly Davening
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Sun, March 30 2025
1 Nisan 5785
In Case of Family Emergency Please contact Rabbi Gutstein directly |
Today's Calendar
Rosh Chodesh Nisan |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Vayikra
Shabbos, Apr 5 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Apr 4, 7:00pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Apr 5, 8:03pm |
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
Sunday, Mar 30 |
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